"Lob Bombs": US's New Biggest Worry In Baghdad
About Iraq
> constantly stunned at how many Americans on this blog actively cheer on or rationalize the killing of their own soldiers.
back atcha, pal.
when you say
"killing of their own soldiers"
you mean: we're rationalizing the US troops getting killed?
vs. "the killing our own soldiers are doing".
no one here is glad for the over
4,100 US dead।
or Brits,
or Canadians,
or any of the others who Bush killed
based on transparent lies about
-- non-existent WMDs and
-- nonexistent links between an Iraqi dictator and Al Queda।
but the arithmetic is:
each of those single dead American troops balances on the bloody scale of a larger Justice.
on the other end:
-- for every single one of our dead and dearly missed boys and girls --
is a stinking heap of
dead Iraqis:
men, women & children।
...so far.
1 American:
and 293 Iraqis:
when do we stop
a) killing our kids, in order
b) to "help" the Iraqis so much?
because they asked us to STOP helping them
-- and leave, now!
there will be bloodshed after we leave.
noone can stop it; least of all *us*.
always is, after hated occupiers are expelled.
but it's their choice; their reckoning; their history; their right।
we need to get out;
prepare to pay major war reparations;
and prosecute the war criminals who got us into this immoral disaster and killed ओउर
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"Lob Bombs": US's New Biggest Worry In Baghdad
About Iraq
an actual counter-argument there, chief?
not much.
tell you what:
let's dig up some dead Iraqis,
and ask if they find the comparison a
"soph[o]moric stretch"।
a few:
five (bloodied bodies)?
fifty (shredded corpses)?
five hundred (stinking septics)?
five thousand (fly-strewn shambles)?
fifty thousand (horribly heaped)?
five hundred thousand (filling fifty football stadiums of stark, sheer slaughter)?
the dead can't talk.
how 'bout their relatives?
let's ask
Fifty [survivors] From Falluja.
or maybe:
a Round Thousand from Ramallah.
will they say:
"oh, no, no no!
my husband/son/uncle/daughter/wife/niece/nephew
isn't really
just as
fsking DEAD!
it's not as if we were -- oh, how soph[o]moric! perish the thought! --
in *Poland*
and you people drove Tigers, flew Messerchmidts,
and shot us with Schmeissers, Lugers and Fallschirmjägergewehr 42s;
'course not!
driving good old Deetroyt HMMVs, Apaches and MRAPS;
killing us with M-16s, M249s, SMAWs
-- heck, anything with an M in it --
that's all **A-OK** with us, G.I.!"
"no comparison between Abu Ghraib / Guantanamo, and
Montucon / the Bethelot -- none!
anyone who says so is just a troublemaker।"
"no no no!
littering villages with thousands of cluster bombs;
lacing our air and soil with deeply toxic DU dust;
using white phosphorous "illumination" barrages to incinerate our resistance --
all **completely** honorable!
we totally forgive your so very honorable troops for this.
you're Americans!
-- you cannot *by definition* do anything bad or monstrous।
-- why, the very thought: it's... soph[o]moric!"
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"Lob Bombs": US's New Biggest Worry In Baghdad
About Iraq
...but the bill they will bring back home with them, engraved on their waking and dreaming moments, is drawn on and payable on their soul and peace of mind and sense of well-being and personal safety.
and that bill gets inevitably bigger for every single hour they hold back; every new sortie they go out on; every new patrol they mount; every new sweep they conduct; every DU round they fire; every artillery fire mission they summon; every house they bulldoze.
not to mention: every borrowed Chinese dollar they use on the chow line, drink down in bottled water; etc. etc.; which their children and grandchildren will be sentenced to repay -- with compound interest and a devalued dollar.
helluva bill -- and we're all gonna be paying it.
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"Lob Bombs": US's New Biggest Worry In Baghdad
About Iraq
in my sincere and considered opinion, the **only** honorable course available to any members of the US armed forces -- uniformed or not; regular or irregular; mercenary or volunteer -- is to claim Conscientious Objector status; now, today; and declare they can no longer in good conscience keep following illegal orders; and willingly accept the jail time that will necessarily follow.
continued voluntary participation in the conduct of a massive war-crime makes you a war criminal, period.
"I vos chust followink orders, mein Herr!"
and hasn't ever been;
especially not since sodding Nuremburg, mate.
I do have respect for the training of the professional soldiers, particularly the junior officers.
they presumably are required to do the reading.
they need to look closely at the **real** requirements of the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
all bar a couple of the above calibration realities are truths that have been brutally clear -- to the world -- for many months.
anyone who has been "in-country" for more than the few days or weeks necessary to see first-hand what the hell US troops are doing to cause "collateral" damage and casualties, and who has had the briefest opportunity to dig into How Did We Get Here, has only got their conscience to answer to; for the time being.
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"Lob Bombs": US's New Biggest Worry In Baghdad
About Iraq
why? in order to satisfy the waste-spewing corruption-soaked bank accounts of the senior executive suites at Halliburton, KBR, Lockheed, Raytheon, Boeing and all the rest of the corporate parasites guzzling down our national resources.
those Cheney Chums **love** them some war, oh boy howdy, yes indeedy; and they really really love people like you.
people whose sense of "honor" is
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
"Lob Bombs": US's New Biggest Worry In Baghdad
About Iraq
...all bar a couple of the above calibration realities are truths that have been brutally clear -- to the world -- for many months.
anyone who has been "in-country" for more than the few days or weeks necessary to see first-hand what the hell US troops are doing to cause "collateral" damage and casualties, and who has had the briefest opportunity to dig into How Did We Get Here, has only got their **conscience** to answer to; for the time being.
but the bill they will bring back home with them, engraved on their waking and dreaming moments, is drawn on and payable on their soul and peace of mind and sense of well-being and personal safety.
and that bill gets inevitably bigger for every single hour they hold back; every new sortie they go out on; every new patrol they mount; every new sweep they conduct; every DU round they fire; every artillery fire mission they summon; every house they bulldoze.
not to mention: every borrowed Chinese dollar they use on the chow line, drink down in bottled water; etc. etc.; which their children and grandchildren will be sentenced to repay -- with compound interest and a devalued dollar.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
"Lob Bombs": US's New Biggest Worry In Baghdad
About Iraq
even though:
our occupation has caused -- by credible epidemiological assessment, via survey protocols internationally acknowledged in comparable environments -- the deaths of, by now, over 1,200,000 Iraqis;
even though:
our efforts have exiled over 2,000,000 Iraqis, and displaced another 2,000,000 Iraqis within their borders;
even though:
our highly-paid mercenaries now outnumber these "honorable" regulars, operating with violent impunity from prosecution;
even though:
the world knows we still jail thousands more; in shameful conditions; on trivial pretexts and slender evidence;
even though:
the world knows we casually murdered by torturing to death, over a hundred people, in the course of our invasion and occupation of Iraq so far;
even though:
we invaded on grounds the world now knows we lied blatantly about -- to ourselves, and the world;
even though:
a delegation of Iraqi parliamentarians toured the US, weeks ago, telling Americans directly and honestly that "All Sides in Iraq Agree: Please, USA; At Long Last, Fsck Off -- OK?";
even though:
our puppet Maliki (drawing breath at the whim of heavily-armed US agents surrounding him) openly slapped our faces this week -- after Administration efforts to ram its SOFA down the throats of every Iraqi citizen, **raping** their mineral resources for the benefit of a few US-centric corporations -- declaring that the only remaining debate is:
"will you occupying forces leave:
a) NOW;
b) on a TIMETABLE we find acceptable to Go, Very Soon?"
-- *YOU* keep pretending there's anything honorable about any soldier continuing to participate इन...
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"Lob Bombs": US's New Biggest Worry In Baghdad
About Iraq
> I make this declaration as clearly as possible- All of you making derogatory remarks about US troops fighting, in harms way, are not worth one of their boot laces.
well, batguano, let me make this as painfully clear to you as I possibly can:
those troops you value so much more than any other citizen are presently engaged in the 5th year of the illegal invasion and occupation of a sovereign country.
those US troops are doing exactly the same job, exactly as honorably, as any member of the Wehrmacht, when Hitler invaded Poland.
every Iraqi resistor they kill earns **exactly** the same amount of honor for them and their units as when Wehrmacht troops shot/executed/tortured/maimed partisans, Resistance fighters, and uninvolved civilians alike -- in Poland, Czechoslovakia, Greece, Italy, Holland, France...
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