About Iraq
> constantly stunned at how many Americans on this blog actively cheer on or rationalize the killing of their own soldiers.
back atcha, pal.
when you say
"killing of their own soldiers"
you mean: we're rationalizing the US troops getting killed?
vs. "the killing our own soldiers are doing".
no one here is glad for the over
4,100 US dead।
or Brits,
or Canadians,
or any of the others who Bush killed
based on transparent lies about
-- non-existent WMDs and
-- nonexistent links between an Iraqi dictator and Al Queda।
but the arithmetic is:
each of those single dead American troops balances on the bloody scale of a larger Justice.
on the other end:
-- for every single one of our dead and dearly missed boys and girls --
is a stinking heap of
dead Iraqis:
men, women & children।
...so far.
1 American:
and 293 Iraqis:
when do we stop
a) killing our kids, in order
b) to "help" the Iraqis so much?
because they asked us to STOP helping them
-- and leave, now!
there will be bloodshed after we leave.
noone can stop it; least of all *us*.
always is, after hated occupiers are expelled.
but it's their choice; their reckoning; their history; their right।
we need to get out;
prepare to pay major war reparations;
and prosecute the war criminals who got us into this immoral disaster and killed ओउर
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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