About Iraq
...all bar a couple of the above calibration realities are truths that have been brutally clear -- to the world -- for many months.
anyone who has been "in-country" for more than the few days or weeks necessary to see first-hand what the hell US troops are doing to cause "collateral" damage and casualties, and who has had the briefest opportunity to dig into How Did We Get Here, has only got their **conscience** to answer to; for the time being.
but the bill they will bring back home with them, engraved on their waking and dreaming moments, is drawn on and payable on their soul and peace of mind and sense of well-being and personal safety.
and that bill gets inevitably bigger for every single hour they hold back; every new sortie they go out on; every new patrol they mount; every new sweep they conduct; every DU round they fire; every artillery fire mission they summon; every house they bulldoze.
not to mention: every borrowed Chinese dollar they use on the chow line, drink down in bottled water; etc. etc.; which their children and grandchildren will be sentenced to repay -- with compound interest and a devalued dollar.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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