
"Lob Bombs": US's New Biggest Worry In Baghdad

About Iraq

an actual counter-argument there, chief?
not much.

tell you what:
let's dig up some dead Iraqis,
and ask if they find the comparison a
"soph[o]moric stretch"।

a few:
five (bloodied bodies)?
fifty (shredded corpses)?
five hundred (stinking septics)?
five thousand (fly-strewn shambles)?
fifty thousand (horribly heaped)?
five hundred thousand (filling fifty football stadiums of stark, sheer slaughter)?

the dead can't talk.

how 'bout their relatives?

let's ask
Fifty [survivors] From Falluja.
or maybe:
a Round Thousand from Ramallah.

will they say:
"oh, no, no no!
my husband/son/uncle/daughter/wife/niece/nephew
isn't really
just as
fsking DEAD!

it's not as if we were -- oh, how soph[o]moric! perish the thought! --
in *Poland*
and you people drove Tigers, flew Messerchmidts,
and shot us with Schmeissers, Lugers and Fallschirmjägergewehr 42s;
'course not!

driving good old Deetroyt HMMVs, Apaches and MRAPS;
killing us with M-16s, M249s, SMAWs
-- heck, anything with an M in it --
that's all **A-OK** with us, G.I.!"

"no comparison between Abu Ghraib / Guantanamo, and
Montucon / the Bethelot -- none!
anyone who says so is just a troublemaker।"

"no no no!
littering villages with thousands of cluster bombs;
lacing our air and soil with deeply toxic DU dust;
using white phosphorous "illumination" barrages to incinerate our resistance --

all **completely** honorable!
we totally forgive your so very honorable troops for this.
you're Americans!
-- you cannot *by definition* do anything bad or monstrous।

-- why, the very thought: it's... soph[o]moric!"


Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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