
"Lob Bombs": US's New Biggest Worry In Baghdad

About Iraq


even though:

our occupation has caused -- by credible epidemiological assessment, via survey protocols internationally acknowledged in comparable environments -- the deaths of, by now, over 1,200,000 Iraqis;

even though:

our efforts have exiled over 2,000,000 Iraqis, and displaced another 2,000,000 Iraqis within their borders;

even though:

our highly-paid mercenaries now outnumber these "honorable" regulars, operating with violent impunity from prosecution;

even though:

the world knows we still jail thousands more; in shameful conditions; on trivial pretexts and slender evidence;

even though:

the world knows we casually murdered by torturing to death, over a hundred people, in the course of our invasion and occupation of Iraq so far;

even though:

we invaded on grounds the world now knows we lied blatantly about -- to ourselves, and the world;

even though:

a delegation of Iraqi parliamentarians toured the US, weeks ago, telling Americans directly and honestly that "All Sides in Iraq Agree: Please, USA; At Long Last, Fsck Off -- OK?";

even though:

our puppet Maliki (drawing breath at the whim of heavily-armed US agents surrounding him) openly slapped our faces this week -- after Administration efforts to ram its SOFA down the throats of every Iraqi citizen, **raping** their mineral resources for the benefit of a few US-centric corporations -- declaring that the only remaining debate is:

"will you occupying forces leave:

a) NOW;

b) on a TIMETABLE we find acceptable to Go, Very Soon?"

-- *YOU* keep pretending there's anything honorable about any soldier continuing to participate इन...
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