
"!!! WRITE !!!", my very good friend told me this week.

As therapy, recreation, career direction, deconstruction or grounds for blackmail? Perhaps, purely to validate the imperative.

Yesterday I recognized that my mounting interest in Web work was pointing toward a Bloggeresque mechanism. So today I went to the source -- and here we go.

Well, provided I can incorporate the output correctly onto my vanity domain. As a server-side include. Within the larger context of a Dreamweaver-template-based site. Geekly Perfectionism R Us, Or Bust.

It's mid-afternoon on Saturday, and I hear the calling of Powell's Technical Bookstore, luring me to get a text on building PHP and MySQL database applications. The host for the three sites I'm throwing together at present supports PHP. Is this retreat to my technical roots an avoidance of the larger Issues of Life?


At present, retreat seems a highly rational response to a brutal month.

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